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Protecting Your Investments

After some 28 years of speaking to hundreds of thousands of people in audiences regarding personal safety and defense, it has baffled me how often people expect such information and training to always come for “free”. Granted, we offer pro bono presentations, on occasion, to various groups and organizations, but not all. And again, the issue is more about the “expectation” of such training to be for free than about whether or not there will actually be a charge. I think at the heart of this is that most people do not understand what they are truly investing in with this type of education — themselves, their loved ones, and their lives.

Male or female,
think of how much you have not only invested in yourself in the past (education, for example), but what today you continually invest in to further your career, to improve your health, to improve your appearance, etc. Think of what you spend on where you live, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, the education or “continuing education” you receive and that all of these investments are ongoing. Whether hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, most would consider such investments to be worthwhile. But if faced with a truly life-threatening situation, what will any of the above afford you? So the question is a valid one, “What have you ‘invested’ in lately to protect your other investments?”

I admire those
who invest in physical defense training. I think every boy or girl, man or woman should at some time do so for 6-12 months. But physical training will not suit everyone. And even for those it does suit, is it not a “higher science” to learn how to see such situations prior to their occurrence or escalation to avoid a physical altercation (or attack) altogether? Such an education sometimes requires an investment of obviously time, but also sometimes money. Typically speaking, however, these need not be overly expensive, but it is presumptive to assume they will be “cheap”. What’s that old saying? “You get what you pay for.”

Others invest
in weapons of various types, from stun guns to TASERS to pepper spray to firearms. Again, I see nothing wrong with any of these options, provided you get the proper training that goes along with them (i.e. the ability to use them in a high-pressure, high-stakes situation). This, however, goes back again to the principle stated above. Is it not better to see a potentially dangerous situation before it happens or escalates, thereby warranting your use of a weapon and/or deadly force? Just consider the legal and liability potential after such use and you will quickly appreciate the value of avoidance. Education is far less expensive than legal defense, hospital bills, or funeral costs.

So whether you are a man or a woman
investing in your own safety and defense; whether the investment is for the safety of your children; whether you are investing in the safety of your college-bound teen son or teen daughter, think of such an approach for what it is — an “investment” to protect your other investments. Putting it in the proper context makes you appreciate the training for what it is and what it is intended to enhance — training that “could” one day save your life!

Jeff McKissack, Founder
Trouble Spotters

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A Trouble Spotter is a licensed instructor of Defense By Design, presenting educational programs to private sector audiences, helping everyday people learn to identify, and therefore hopefully avoid, becoming victims of violent crime. Simply put, a Trouble Spotter is someone who will help you learn how to better “spot trouble before trouble spots you”!