The purpose of this two-hour seminar is to foster critical thinking skills related to personal safety. The first hour is devoted to “external” concerns such as random or typical social encounters, dating (especially online dating), travel, and work. The second hour is devoted to more “internal” concerns related to the early warning signs of domestic violence, financial predators and child/teen predators targeting single women and mothers, and strategies to help identify and mitigate such risks.
This seminar is not taught by PowerPoint, but by worksheets. Participants are lead through various Q&A exercises to learn (a) how they currently assess threat, then (b) how those current processes might be changed to enhance their personal safety. In other words, participants continually interact with the subject matter to develop their own unique critical thinking skills versus simply sitting through a lecture. Participants leave with the strategies they developed on their own.
In addition to the worksheets, participants also receive a complimentary book from Defense By Design to compliment their training experience.
Those who would particularly benefit from this presentation include (but are not limited to):